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The Healing Power of TWO2®
in flexible form: MULTI-PATCH

The Healing Power of TWO2® in flexible form: MULTI-PATCH

As your partner in care, we are determined to give you the best quality treatment and help you get back to living your life to the fullest.

Topical Wound Oxygen (TWO2®) is a clinically proven therapy for the treatment of chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds. The therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment option that can be used in the comfort of your own home.

Why Choose TWO2® therapy?

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A Unique 2-in-1 Therapy

All wounds need oxygen to heal. Chronic wounds can become hypoxic, or low in oxygen. The Multi-Patch gives the wound the oxygen it needs to heal. The higher concentration and pressure of oxygen in the Multi-Patch allows oxygen to penetrate deep into the wound. Lastly, humidification ensures an ideal wound healing environment.

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Convenient & Easy-to-use

TWO2® therapy is designed with the patient in mind. You can use the therapy in your home while watching TV or reading a book. At the start of therapy, an AOTI representative will drop the equipment off at your home and teach you how to begin a therapy session. If you have any questions or concerns, our representatives and customer service teams are just a phone call away.
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Compatible with Dressings

You can often wear your usual dressings underneath. Your doctor will tell you if your dressings are compatible with TWO2® therapy or if they must be removed before therapy.

How Do I Get Started?

Talk to your doctor to see if TWO2® is right for you. Before finalizing your treatment plan, you and your provider should check your health insurance to make sure the cost will be covered.

How Do I Get Started?

Talk to your doctor to see if TWO2® is right for you. Before finalizing your treatment plan, you and your provider should check your health insurance to make sure the cost will be covered.

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Getting Started & What to Expect


Before starting the therapy, you should use the bathroom, eat or grab a snack, and gather anything you want to have near you during therapy—such as a TV remote, a book, your phone, and a glass of water.

You will need to sit or lie down for the duration of the therapy (60-90 minutes unless your doctor has prescribed otherwise).
There is NO SMOKING during therapy since oxygen is a fire hazard when near an open flame. Make sure that any fireplaces or candles are not lit in the room you are in. Never use an open flame of any kind during treatment.

You may leave your wound dressings on, unless your doctor has instructed otherwise. 

You should not feel any pain during the therapy. If you do, it is important that you contact your doctor immediately.
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Need more information?

Our dedicated customer service team is here to help.

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Need more information?

Our dedicated customer service team is here to help.